Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lunchables For Dinner

Picked up my car after work, a bulb was burned out on one headlight. A cop stopped me after the show on Monday and said a light was out, right after getting off the interstate. But I didn't get a ticket for it. Eventually I had dinner, and it was Lunchables at a convenience store. It reminded me of a comedian friend referring to Lunchables in his set, as he likes them a lot. I thought about just going to a Superamerica since I have the rewards card after going to an ATM, but decided to stay where I was as there was too much construction on the road and it led to a delay due to merging traffic. Then I went on to the comedy club nearby, where the contest was still going on. There still are no-shows, 3 tonight. The MC was somebody who was a contestant from my night onstage. It bothered me a little about my parking brake light coming on after already having it in the shop earlier in the day. But since it was just there I will want to wait before taking it again, especially if it doesn't look important enough.

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