Monday, September 19, 2011

3 Years In Comedy

I was picked to go onstage tonight at the comedy club, I was 5th. Made reference to how it was 3 years ago this month when I first went onstage, after an unusual year that included 2 funerals and a wedding. How it doesn't sound as fun as '4 weddings and a funeral'. Went to see one friend right after it, he was at the bar. He high-fived me right after the set, and I asked him if the pauses were just right. Not too long or too short, that is. He said whatever I do seems to work, and the most important thing is having fun with it. I do enjoy it whenever I get stagetime, it was nice to hear the feedback on the mirror image. It was the first time in 3 months that I had been picked at this club. Also was the first time in a while that I stayed for the entire show, I had been leaving about midway through saying I had some things to do.
   First day doing the special requests at work since going to the new system, it seems to work fine but I don't like how it prints out 2 pages for each request instead of one.

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