Monday, September 5, 2011

Ren-Fest and Shoes

Went to Ren-Fest today. Before we arrived we went to the Mall of America to get shoes. The ones I had were so worn that I was able to poke a finger through the soles of one of them. Had the pair nearly 2 years this month, so they predated the starting of this blog. I was starting to have knee problems and already it seems that those problems have been lessened. I was advised to try on multiple pairs, I chose the second as they seemed to cushion my feet more. The main advantage of the others would have been $10 cheaper and the black and gold colors reminded me of my college's school colors. Having the gift card helped, a redemption from the Speedy Card program.
   At Ren-Fest I did the stocks for $10 and was accused of being a moron. I said it would be nice to hear what was said about me since I do comedy. I did hear worse at the comedy club, they reminded me how they must allow for kids in the crowd. My date was a little disgusted but decided to get pictures of me and even got some of it on audio. Made it to the Robin Hood show, one colleague was Little John in it and the other just helped with getting tips after the show and finding customers before it.
 Watched a DVD of 'Winter's Bone' in the evening, first time seeing it since I saw it at the theater last year. As expected I did find ways to fill in the time while having Labor Day off from the office and the comedy club. I once again spoke to my date about how much of it reminded me of where I grew up, since it takes place in the backwoods of southwestern Missouri.   

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