Saturday, September 10, 2011

Salvador Dali museum

Went to the Salvador Dali art museum in St. Petersburg, a car depicting rain inside of the car was part of it. Hard to say the most memorable piece of art there, the Lincoln portrait was notable. At least it looks like Lincoln from 20 meters away but there are other things more clearly seen when up close. There was also one of his brother who died young, and a hologram of musician Alice Cooper's head.  Also saw a baseball game, went into extra innings but didn't stay until the end. The Tampa Bay Rays were playing the Boston Red Sox, we stayed for 10 innings and the Rays won in the 11th. When it goes into nextras you just never know how long it might take, and her mom was getting tired so she said we were leaving at that time. It may not have been a bad idea at all, as we beat the after-game traffic. We did catch the ending on the radio. Her sister showed up and it was nice meeting another family member. The museum was close to the baseball stadium, we also went to the pier and saw some of the pelicans being fed fish. This was where I decided to get another 'smashed penny' souvenir as they had those machines available. It was the second, as the first was at the space center. Now that I have seen Tropicana Field there aren't many major league stadiums left that I haven't seen, at least a glimpse of or an actual event of some sort.

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