Friday, September 9, 2011

Brad Paisley Show

Went to the Brad Paisley concert at the state fairgrounds in Tampa tonight. Kind of muddy, it had rained earlier in the day. Spoke with the man next to me between acts, he was impressed how far we had traveled for the show.  I said I saw a car with Canadian plates in the lot, from the Labrador province. Somebody saw my Johnny Cash shirt and loved it, then showed me their tat, it just said 'cash' though. so it wasn't as obvious to me how it was for Johnny Cash. My date did say I would blend in well if wearingt the shirt, and she was correct. We went to a car museum earlier in the day, saw plenty of European cars there from the 1920s and 30s. Some were from Czechoslovakia, as some were made for party leaders after the nation went Communist. Others were French and German, like Citroens, had seen a few at a Bastille Day celebration. For French cars I mostly know Renault, but there weren't any. The Mercedes-Benz looked more like a VW, found out it was no accident as it was made before the VW was. There was even a Delorean, now mostly known as the 'Back to the Future' car.
   We did eat at a Hard Rock Cafe before the show, it was inside a casino operated by the Seminoles. I like seeing the artifacts on the wall there, so much music history on display. It was nice to see the music videos on the screens there while eating. With the concert I liked having a 5th row seat, she is in the fan club and can get better seats than most due to pre-sales apparently. Didn't know the opening acts that well, aside from one doing Bobby Brown's 'My Perorogative', a reminder of my high school days. Even though I didn't know country music well, at least the newer performers, I still liked some songs, including when there was a Brad impersonator with an oversized head, he was brought out twice during the show. One of the songs was making fun of celebrity scandals.

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