Wednesday, September 14, 2011

But I'm Holding On

I had an oil change done on my car after work this evening, after a few delays. I thought about having it done Tuesday but got sidetracked with going through the mail. Still did a little more, in terms if finding more to shred, then had the oil change done. After leaving the comedy club tonight I liked hearing a song on my car radio, 'Tide is High', a reminder of finding courage before. Heard it at a Walgreen after returning from a visit to Green Bay in 2006. I am still amazed at times in terms of what I find about that is relevant when it can be things happening before this blog was started. Since I liked the song I said I would find the courage to ask out a girl, not wanting to be left wondering. 'The tide is high, but I'm holding on'. When I arrived at the comedy club the bartender said there was still a need for an MC, I said I was fine with the role but the club owner went with somebody else. It tends to act on that information quickly once known, and show up a little earlier, I got there just minutes before the scheduled start time. I did express interest in the role at later shows.  

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