Tuesday, September 27, 2011

4 Carts, 1 Ticket

   No, I did not get a ticket for the carts. Although it would be nice if there was some kind of finder's fee.
After the comedy show tonight I took 4 carts back to the grocery store. It was going to be 2 but then I found 2 more when I was heading back. There are various reasons why this is beneficial, evne if there is no financial gain for me doing it. For one thing, it's good exercise for me. And I believe in civic pride. As a kid I saw that all the time on trash cans: keep (this place) beautiful, don't litter. It was even on some of the snack food packages I saw.
   I also ordered a ticket for the Iowa/Minnesota football game next month, the single game tickets just went on sale. The bus driver this evening spoke more about having to get tough with riders, it was a followup to what had happened on Monday. He had to threaten a huge fine then, for illegal use of a transfer. It was the first time I had heard about the 'goth chicks' in a while. These women were known for causing trouble, and they were known for swearing a lot.
     I did tell some of my friends at the club tonight as to why I was absent the previous day, not sure how many actually noticed. I thought it was a sparse crowd for the show, and apparently the number of comics is being pared down a little to around 12 for the open-mic night. I said to the event coordinator how I was there if needed.

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