Monday, September 12, 2011

Back in the Routine

First day back at the office, the payoff report was late due to I.T. problems. But I liked being busy for the entire day when it finally arrived, just needed to find the time to walk down to the post office to mail a check. Heard somebody yelling about having to wait for a call along the way. I know well enough to avoid engaging people in conversation when it doesn't concern me, I know it usually isn't worth it. It's best to keep to yourself and mind your own business. I just become aware of it as it can become problematic. It serves as a warning as to what to avoid. At the office it sounded like they were a little short handed as a colleague was out last week due to illness.
   Also the first day back at the comedy club, didn't go there all of last week. Though one of those was the club being closed due to the holiday. Nice to see many friends there, including one who flew back from California. She even did a Facebook posting saying she hoped to see me there. Hopefully it is a while before I take another day off from the clubs. I like the circle of friends there, and it was nice to hug the friend who was coming from out of town. I did tell many of how I had just returned from Florida and how it went there.

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