Saturday, September 17, 2011

Don't Hug Me County Fair

Went to see a play called 'Don't Hug Me County Fair' tonight at Camp Bar in downtown St. Paul. Had hoped to get to the dog park but it will wait another day. Got plenty of errand running done early, much of it was getting things cleaned up and arranged better around my home. It included getting a dead mouse into the trash after it had been found and caught in one of those 'glue traps', they do work when used. Also got the dishes done since there were enough of them to do and the best opportunity to do them this weekend. It was the third trash bag I had sent out this week, but I was getting serious about cleanup and it meant getting rid of shipping boxes I no longer needed from the recent Ebay orders.
   The play was nice, though the venue was cramped, so named as it really was inside of a bar. I had seen the 'Don't Hug Me Christmas Carol' before, but it was in Minneapolis, over a year ago. It was funny, I understood most of the jokes but some were funnier than others to me. There was more than one Sarah Palin joke that I recognized. Many were lowbrow jokes, I know those sell. Some made you think a little, as they were puns. We had the lunch buffet at the Godfather's Pizza in Burnsville, I liked knowing there is one as I liked them from growing up in Iowa. The other ones I know about here, and there are very few, are just personal pan pizzas and not sit-down locations. This includes the Bobby and Steve's at a gas station in Minneapolis near the Metrodome, along with inside the main terminal at MSP airport. We watched some of the Penn St.-Temple football game as it was on the monitors there.

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