Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Chicken Wing Challenge

   I got stage time at the comedy club tonight, and this was likely the weirdest show I have been a part of, and I have been doing stand-up for nearly 7 years. This means it pre-dates the starting of this blog. One of these weird things was the chicken wing challenge, that some comics and patrons did but I did not do. One has to sign a waiver for it. I did my set while competing with it. Then there was sharing stage time with the Big Dog, as well as Maryland, and the sub teacher. Then there was the practicing of pick-up lines. As my Ohio friend once said to me, I lacked confidence in my social life. I just didn't try for a long time as I grew tired of getting turned down. So what did I learn from it? Fake it until you make it? Maybe. I was told to be charming. I did say I was willing to be fixed up with those who are interested and available, as long as they aren't comics. 
   Also at the comedy club, the batter did one about being kicked out of a mall. Bandanna did ones about her kid, sperm donor prisoner, and massage therapist. Sub teacher and Perkins did improv, about linoleum, tennis, and soccer. Belarus mostly did crowd work. Chalm-Skinn did ones about mace and being a bar bouncer. A visitor back from NYC, Mason City's friend, did ones about lumberjack building, the dead lion, and light rail. Big dog did ones about an erotic novel, swear at foreigners, and hemorrhoids. Maryland did ones about alimony, lion pun, bad at protesting, moldy bread, hos aren't loyal, and Disney movies. 

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