Saturday, September 5, 2015

Vacation Movie

    I saw the Vacation movie in Oakdale this afternoon. I liked it except for the annoying little brother. Many things in it were familiar to those who saw the original one from 1983, in terms of not just the same characters like seeing Rusty and Audrey and Clark and Ellen. It was a different set of disasters, but still plenty of them. I really liked hearing the 'Holiday Road' song, looks like there were multiple versions in the movie according to the closing credits. It had a weird car in it, and weird characters they met along the way. And they are headed to Walley World. Because of this I understood why Rusty said one line in it- how it is different from the first Vacation and will stand on its own. So this made it campy as the movie made fun of itself. Since the storyline seemed close to the original, one would really call it an 'Update'. As opposed to a new version, which it wasn't aside from it being a new head of the family. I like vacations, but none of them has been near as bad as in the movie. This is why it would be called a farce as it had a ridiculous and unlikely storyline. I also liked seeing a display about the upcoming Charlie Brown movie, a special seat was there for pictures and I asked a theater employee to take it for me. It was the second such photo of the day, as I did one with Chewbacca at the Target store in Maplewood or North St. Paul. I was there to get some more frames for some comedy show posters.
   In the evening I performed at the comedy club, a longer set than typical and I was show closer so it was a notable show for me. Also because it was a paid gig, and just the third one for me. Show runner I recalled from a Small World bit a while back. He did ones about attending a wedding, being a Little League coach, and a tattoo. Brew did ones about Target underwear, sold drugs and student loans, books on Netflix, Kinko's, joined gym, changing the game, dumb girl, and sky diving. Belarus did ones about arms tigered, Hobbit movie, poison chicken, Applebee's, and crowd work about a lake. Perkins did ones about area 51, pug sitting, mustard sandwiches, weed, Reagan, Futurama, wolves and piglets, dad's porn, run out of town, meer-cat, ballpark frank, Oregon, and Motel 6. Ragu did ones about drinking on bus, leaf blower, red shirt at Target, spelling bees, Sex World, and church. Also recently I heard some good songs: Why I Cry by Best Coast, Basket Case by Green Day, and 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins. 

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