Friday, September 4, 2015

No Bread, Free Chips

   I wanted to have lunch at Erbert Gerbert but they were out of bread and I was told it would be a 6-7 minute wait for bread to be ready. So I left and found lunch at another place, but was told it was fine to have a bag of BBQ chips. I got a chili dog at a hot dog stand nearby. After this I went to the saints stadium to get a ticket for Sunday's game.
    I went to two comedy shows tonight, baby puppet was at one club and Arizona Chicago was at another. the latter may have already had a name but I don't recall what. it was nice to get a poster from the first show.
    Also at the comedy club, school bouncer was MC at the lid-lifter show. He did ones about tell him about the room, love hate with Chicago and Florida, not DL Hughley, now you are with the front row, state fair turkey leg, Blind Side movie, see kids all day, special to me, Arkansas, 3rd grade girls, I don't need you, Serena Williams, can't stand paper work, and burning bridges. Sub teacher did ones about bumper stickers, that's freedom, Bernie Sanders, same as sports, Mr. Trump and Grumpy Cat, Jeb Bush, gator, bath salt, global warming, Titanic, and casual sex. School bouncer had a ten-second dance party. Fish noodle did ones about a high school prom lock-in, favorite swear word, can't afford this, and drove a semi to Illinois. Black flag did ones about friend was kidnapped, no undies, bomb pops, rookie cop throw up, chalk outline, feeding cat, coffee shops in South Dakota, gas station, cigarettes, I'm paying for this, DB Cooper, Chernobyl, blow up doll razor blade, Cobain Hendrix Joplin, why I don't ad-lib, and spare change Wonder Bread. Others were about Vikings Packers, AA meeting, no call me!, publish a journal, not all fun and games, vegan friends at restaurant, plane crash in mountains,  call back to seven dollars, Bible jokes not funny, hillbilly shaming, round of rare steaks, Harlem Globetrotters, gorilla sign language, religion and cocaine, orphan and teddy bear, walk off into sunset, and has a station wagon.
   The headliner is what D.C. native calls the mouthy broad. I call her baby puppet. She did ones about being a whiskey drinker, Crown Royal, a pimp, the fair like a Walmart, double rascal, hipster 7-year old, River Falls show, UP of Michigan, sound goofy check you in, we don't talk like that, what giving up feels like, I want that sadness, you are still here?, go to chili's, 2 spoons we share, and Russian guys from the 80's. Others were about Spanish and Italian, Ewoks, harvesting organs, miracles and mistakes, moms at the mall, chicken nuggets, passive aggressive, shiny new baby puppet, Oxycontin and bourbon, tomboy Netflix plan Bb, insult and emasculate, twerking videos, scientist pervert, hunter gatherer, crazy cat lady friend, and Animal Planet. This was followed by when you're ripe, sleepwalkers, Stephen King, Mr. Cuddles, Panera bread, bully the bully, rooting for murder, knowledge of physics, babysitting me, crazy cool aunt, marriage is about me, lost 48 pounds, World of Warcraft, Battlestar Galactica, and hit on by married dudes.
    Then there was a show across town. University accountant was MC. She did ones about an office microwave, taxi to Goodwill, gymnastics, thin mints, bucket and pail, Conan O'Brien, dating site, Tootsie Pop, Gene Simmons, Purdue study, and edible panties. This was also a contest night. The taller of the brothers was in the contest. He did ones about cool guy does drugs, alien movies, bike on train, and racing gear.
    Arizona Chicago was the feature performer. She did ones about working to low ego, practice to silence, was it a date?, I swam here, state fair milk, haunts nightmares, it's my dad, Cosby art, and knowledge might spread. Others were about Wichita airport, red ballet flats, Wizard of Oz reference, build a window, sister a Portland hippie, if the shoe fits, how is it wet, fish oils, CVS clinic, want to snort, Obama-care, not a sentence, the back half, plate of ribs, Famous Dave, high 5 at Chili's, wine and rugs, Jane Austen, cave art, primal attraction, borrow my car, genius bar, believe in yourself, brains explode, vote Republican, fell down laughing, buy flowers, outside grocery store, Hillary and Mondale, feminist, barely wash mine, air conditioner, paychecks, trophy wife, clean clutter, open bar, and it means ex-wife.
    The headliner did ones about do good for weight class, somebody is interested, the Jaws song, Flintstones, throw cookies, munchies at church, get out of my house, why we bury the dead, car alarms, New Years Eve, Halloween, skunks, cat fantasy, and costumes are for role playing.
    Others were about Netflix documentary from NYC, Chewie voice, motorcycle riders, look at me, trying to escape, dead grass doesn't cover it, Voldemort, too much sneezing, cell phone sex, and what walking around reminds me of.             

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