Monday, September 28, 2015

Special Guest, Comedy Central

   At the comedy club tonight, there was a special guest from Comedy Central. I didn't know this performer though, but some of the jokes work for me. I performed tonight, and I liked bringing back the one about the odd birthday party venue. The Madison headliner was in town tonight, she knows the Wisconsin lady and she liked seeing her new comedy CD.  
    Also at the comedy club, Chalm-Skinn did ones about walk a cat, and TOM acronym. A newer comic, I will call werewolf, did ones about packing, a slapping sound, and Dr. Phil. Former bartender did one about Dad cremated. Wee bit did ones about 8 years sober, weep on couch, and afraid of music. University accountant did ones about having a cigarette, Ti-vo, spreadsheets, Chee-tos, Lucky Charms, seven margaritas, sample line, and forensic files. Brawler did ones about Batman, combat veteran, baby sister, public speaking is scary, and Captain America. Postage stamp did ones about computer science, NYC visit, and file taxes. Three by five card did ones about genealogy, real estate ads, Starbucks, negligee, Cuba, Uber, text and drive, and wheelchair on bus. Do the math, a high energy comic, did ones about a new shrink, stripe shirt, blood on copier, theater major, and the math joke. Tetris did ones about a caricature artist, mall tiny train, super Mario maker, spider fear, and a dome and street light. Olive garden did one about Under Armour. Sub teacher did ones about Custer, Samson, lady gets 2nd cat, icy hot, jury duty for dad, OJ trial, and fundamentalists. Worthington did ones about a haunted house, GI Joe, Facebook psycho, Peyton Manning, rip it, gardening 101, baby CPR class, choking hazards, and Joe Montana. Extra murder did ones about a farmers market, topless protest, renew vows, I voted sticker, fighting with landlord, I can drive, and Saturday night fever. Madison headliner did ones about ghetto girl role, real estate broker, clash at gym, thighs touch, marinate, text breakup, witchcraft, and hologram. Maryland did ones about shot lion, friends on Netflix, Urkel, dollar store creep, hos aren't loyal, alimony, turning 30, Pokemon, Target, strip club, and Harry Potter. Louisiana did ones about crash in Andes, condoms, arrested, ghosts, cut off at bar, and Jack's pizza. Opera singer did ones about food drive, opera pickup line, Doritos, emergency toilet seat, tornadoes, hiking on Mississippi River, phones in middle, and time saving life hacks. Wisconsin lady was a late add, and did ones about meeting at coffee shop, fake accent, service dog, sister's crazy cats, bald eagles, bottle rockets, apple pie, and hot brandy.      

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