Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Zombie Night, Saints Game

    I accepted an invite to attend the Saints baseball game tonight as there was a free ticket available. It was Zombie Night, and they wanted people to be zombies. So I arrived there after going home to get my car and was put in makeup. Normally I would get plenty of comments for wearing the patriotic shirt, but not tonight. In this locker room I saw the karaoke guy warming up. I knew it was the right idea for me, couldn't turn down a free ticket to a baseball game. I love baseball! Especially when I can count it as stage time. I got some of the comedy material I wanted, from the comments the fans made. It did remind me of when I did one night scaring people at the haunted house. It was nice to be in character, be someone else. I was recognized by a fellow comic, software developer. While we spoke a foul ball landed near us. Philadelphia was also there, as the 'Happy camper' much like when he was added to the 'Ring of honor'. He did a selfie of us in makeup and has added it to Facebook already. Not sure if anyone noticed I was MIA at the clubs. I probably needed a break from that venue anyway after the dust-up from last week with the photo asking if I was asleep- I wasn't. I did get a decent amount of pictures at the game, and the Saints won, beat Gary 6-2. Saints went ahead 4-0 on a 3-run home run. I walked around for most of the game but paused at times to watch the action, often from the outfield railing. It was great to get the access I had, and meet some of the entertainers like 'The chef'. Hopefully I can do this kind of thing again sometime, but probably not this season as this is the final home-stand of the season.  

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