Tuesday, September 12, 2017

bouncing back, no worries

I pride myself in how it doesn't take as long as it once did for me to bounce back. and what I did tonight was just what the doctor ordered- performing. but not what I typically do. it was orientation for being a volunteer actor at a haunted house this season. some of the warmups reminded me of dance choreography for a broadway show. I went to an open-mic after it, and spoke about the failure and then bouncing back. also did a callback about the violence in the NFL, saying there is some history that is relevant. also referred to the patriotic shirt I was wearing since I got comments from two comics about it, I often do when I wear it.
   at the office it was the last day for my boss, he is taking a job outside of the company. we had a potluck and I brought a vegetable tray. he left behind a sign at his cube in reference to the movie 'the Truman show'. and the 'no worries' was in reference to calling for help on getting registered for a job fair for next week, as this is what the rep on the other line kept saying to me as I was still frustrated at that time, things were just piling up a little too much.

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