Friday, February 8, 2013

Cleaning Out Wallet

   This evening, I was bored so I cleaned out my wallet, but it was badly needed. When I had so many scraps of paper for comedy notes it made sense to clear it out some. I got 13 notes taped onto three separate 8 1/2 by 11 pages. One is still in the wallet, the most recent. I need more time with the other as there is plenty written on both sides. I saw to it that I kept the picture from the Lady Gaga concert in the wallet, as it was a really fun show. Same is true with a laminated motvational speech titled 'Think Positive'. I found this in the trash in high school, but for me it was a treasure.
  I went out to eat at Chris and Rob's, the Chicago hot dog place. I didn't think of the possibility that they would have onions on the chili cheese dog, I still ate it but with about half of the original onions. I think I had a different order taker this time that doesn't know me quite as well. I had been there many times before but some of the 'artwork' on the wall I hadn't noticed much before. This included two pennants from the Museum of Science and Industry, I was there in 1982 and 1990. One of them had the U-505 submarine on it, I recall touring it with my dad for the latter visit. Also notable tonight was hearing a song on my car radio that was played at the high school dances, when I finally went to them my senior year anyway. It was 'Everybody Wants You' by Billy Squier. I liked it as at one point in the song he takes a break to grunt. Sometimes it was played as the first song of the night. For me it's a reminder of how 'You've come a long way, baby.' Since I once said 'I hate feeling like a head case' at these dances. This is what I sometimes refer to as the 'Lost years as an angry malcontent'. It is why at times I have felt the need to apologize to classmates and friends for this, who knew what I was like and put up with it. Kind of like I had been through AA, but I was NOT an alcoholic. I think they felt like it wasn't necessary, which may be true.
   This was also my service anniversary at my job, 14 years. I marked the day by bringing in 2 dozen cookies, I like how they were all eaten but i did my best to get the word out. I just had to eat four of them myself, two in the morning before leaving them out and two more just before lunch. It does remind me of how my dad said his service anniversary meant plenty to him. The lessons I've kept about work are more from Dad than Mom since he made it through to retirement at full benefits at the Maytag plant. I'm already wondering what I may choose for a service gift next year. The table clock for 10 years was really nice.  

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