Friday, February 1, 2013

The Turkeys Comedy Show

   I went to a friend's comedy show tonight in Minneapolis, it was called 'The Turkeys'. It was billed as a preview. The show began 30 minutes later than originally scheduled, due to the winter weather. I decided to leave my car at home and take the bus to the airport, then light rail over to the Metrodome. As usual I knew many of the performers and after the show I asked for a picture with one of them so they can be added to the 'ring of honor'. The variety of the show worked well, standup along with videos in between. I saw the first of the diner skits tonight, the one I am in apparently is not ready yet. The skit shown was the one where the customer kept asking for more ranch dressing, then said there was too much and walked out. I had seen part of this one being filmed. After the show I did stop to get two Godfather's pizzas at Bobby and Steve's near 35W. Then it was back on the light rail near the Metrodome. Somebody next to me while waiting for the train complained about the wait, but I didn't have to wait long at all. He also made a comment about how many people were still out despite the winter weather. I said they still may have wanted to follow through on reservations made, like I did. He had heard of House of Comedy inside the Mall of America. When I left the train at the airport I had more than just the pizzas. I decided to pick up some trash as well. It included an energy drink can, a water bottle, and a Pringles potato chip can. Another drink bottle was stuffed inside the Pringles can.
   At work today there was a Super Bowl party in a cubbyhole that is a game room. There was plenty of popcorn and cookies. They went all-out with the football theme as the cookies were in the shape of a football. I did the beanbag toss game that was available. Also at lunchtime I got more points for my Walgreen loyalty card, two large Hershey bars. The candy cars seem to be a good way to earn points.
   I wasn't home for long after work. I wanted to eat at Taco Bell before leaving for the comedy show. After I got back I did watch 'Nightline' on ABC. There was a feature about raising Clydesdale horses for Anheuser-Busch, and about a 'Go Daddy' Super Bowl commercial with a popular movie and TV extra. The Clydesdale feature was also in reference to Super Bowl commercials.

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