Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Memphis Parks

    I just read an article on Yahoo that spoke of Memphis renaming three parks that were in memory of Civil War figures. They were named Confederate, Jefferson Davis, and Nathan Bedford Forrest. I often read the comments at the bottom, the one I agreed with said 'I think Memphis has more serious problems than their political correctness nonsense'. As a history major I have often said before how one can't rewrite the history that they don't like. The Civil War did happen, we can't ignore this. We had a dustup about Lake Calhoun in Minnesota, about somebody wanting to rename it since this lake was named for John C. Calhoun, who was a slaveowner. But the name remains. If we rename everything that was named for slaveowners it means being unable to name anything for George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. What is hard for me to understand is how as a nation we are often unable to get past this part in our history. I know how a civil war is written about greatly in any nation's history, but a comment my dad once made, about 'still fighting the Civil War' sadly applies.
   I did visit Memphis in 2008, toured the Sun Records museum and it was nice to see my college roommate. It was the first time since he got out of the Navy. Haven't had an in-person visit since, and he no longer lives in the Memphis area but I don't think this is the sole reason. We went down to the river as I wanted to see it and get a picture, as I am reminded of the Johnny Cash song 'Big River'. I have seen the Mississippi in all of the cities mentioned except Baton Rouge, but it's in the same state as New Orleans. The song starts with 'I met her accidentally in St. Paul, Minnesota'. One of the few songs I know of that mentions St. Paul. We ate at a BBQ place downtown and then went to a Memphis Redbirds baseball game.
   At the comedy club tonight, a friend was performing, and I decided to sit at his table before he went onstage. Before this, I was sitting near two other fellow comics were pranking each other. I like being able to go to the comedy club to laugh away any troubles that I may have, and tonight was one of those. I finally had a meeting about a job I interviewed for more than three weeks ago, found out I wasn't picked. I try to bounce back as quickly as possible, and it meant applying for another job. It sounds like I will get some help with my interviewing skills. I understand the importance of putting my best foot forward. Even though I thought I had improved in interviewing apparently I still struggle at interviews and yes I do hate them. But it may be just as well, as I am probably better off entering myself in a horse race that I have a better chance of winning. I get tired of the feeling that I am always a longshot when I am in a small office with fewer opportunities to pursue. I am trying not to take it personally on being passed over again, but at times it can be hard not to.

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