Saturday, February 9, 2013

Car Door Dent Waits

    The plans today called for getting the car door dent corrected again. Not sure how or why it has happened twice in less than six months. But I went to four shops, two were closed and the others don't do body work. So it must wait until Monday at the earliest. Didn't like the attitude at one place, as I even said 'this isn't truth in advertising' as there was a sign up saying 'total car care'. In spite of this, I still did get some other important errand running done like laundry. They are still changing things a little at the laundromat I go to, now there is a door up to one section but it is locked. Hard to say why, but if they want to see the other equipment gets used more then this will do the trick. There was also getting the museum ticket ordered for upcoming travels, but I decided to wait on the 'print at home' option since I didn't have the time to print it at the library and didn't feel like paying a lot for copies at a copy store. This is especially true since it means paying for the internet access by the minute. I was at a Dairy Queen and I heard somebody complain about all of the tragedy, and catastrophe on the news. I then said the solution was to turn off the news. Her response was that one needs to know what is happening. At the Taco Bell I had 'the box', I like the variety of 3 items in it. And I heard the song 'New Kid in Town' by the Eagles, also speaks of 'Johnny come lately'. I know what it's like to be the new kid in town as this happened when my family moved to Newton. I knew how Don Henley had done best as a soloist after the Eagles broke up, with 'Boys of Summer', 'Dirty Laundry', and 'End of the Innocence'.
   In the afternoon, I did another family gathering with my date. It was two birthdays being celebrated, and there was pizza served from Papa John's. I get this one confused with Papa Murphy's but one is 'ready to eat' and the other is just 'ready to bake'. I prefer 'ready to eat'. Cake and ice cream was served later, I had neapolitan as I like the variety being presented. I observed another brother feud about trash, this time something about how one brother just put trash in his pocket and didn't throw it in a receptacle. The homeowner, the dad, was on the phone a few times about his job. It was related to the 'Noreaster' that dumped over two feet of snow in the Boston area. After the event was done we watched a Charlie Brown special on ABC, a later one about Valentine's Day from 2002. It was the first time I had seen it.

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