Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Old Navy Gift Card

I finished up the Old Navy gift card this evening. After trying on a few pairs of pants I chose some jeans. With discounts and the gift card balance it was under seven dollars. I had considered getting socks but there was a limited selection of these, and didn't want sweat socks. Earlier in the day I went to the Macy's liquidation sale and got a shirt to replace the retired one from Monday. So there was no need for a shirt by the time I went to Old Navy. A clerk said the expected final day at Macy's in downtown St. Paul is March 16, so it is coming soon. Now that the Old Navy card is finished it will likely be a while before I shop there again. It's an all right store but I am used to what is available at J.C. Penney. The one remaining gift card happens to be a J.C. Penney card.
   I saw the grouchy woman on the bus this morning, at times it sounded like she was singing her complaints. When I said to another rider how I've already suggested that she move to Arizona since she complains about the winter he said she'd complain about the hot summers there. At work I was informed about some of the things discussed at the staff meeting that was held on Tuesday when I wasn't there. One of the things was how our boss is still on leave, it has been extended another month to the end of March. This is often what happens, a date is given for her return and this date is pushed out again. The lollipop girl said she is starting to wonder if our boss will return at all, since it has already been more than four months. But officially the thing we are still being told is 'When' and not 'If'. There was some food at a midday meeting about health insurance coverage, liked all of the cheese but there was some little smokie pigs in a blanket as well.
    At the comedy club tonight, a friend was onstage and did a joke about being diagnosed with Lupus, by somebody who flunked out of nursing school. She also did one about leveling the playing field at Pampered Chef parties. I once did clerical work at Pampered Chef when living in suburban Chicago.
I liked the 'Simpsons' syndicated rerun tonight. It was the one where Homer was a food critic. Another critic at the paper had a priceless line in it, where he said 'It's time we all sent John Deere a Dear John'. I've often caught myself saying this line as it's catchy.

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