Saturday, February 23, 2013

Then, Now, Wow Exhibit

For breakfast this morning I had some Tagalong Girl Scout cookies. I didn't have much else to eat and didn't want to go out and get anything. I am used to these being fewer by the box than the Dosidos. I mainly like the peanut butter cookies, so it means getting these two though they are different. The Tagalongs are patties, and the Dosidos are sandwich cookies.
   I did go out to move my car for the snow ordinance, and I did see some get tickets on cars last night after getting back from the comedy show. I am used to the day-plow routes being in effect after the night-plow routes. I also kept finding grocery carts in my neighborhood, six in all, and took them back to the store.
   Sometimes I read online articles. On Yahoo I found one about an 'Internet Casanova', real name Ray Holycross. He also used various aliases. He is being arraigned in Indiana, as he was scamming women, apparently 38 in all, that he had met online. I agreed with some of the comments, such as
'Ladies, learn to love yourself more'. Another was 'Why is it that women keep falling for scary men?' But of course there are scammers in both genders.
   In the afternoon I did see the 'Then, Now, Wow' exhibit at the state's museum. It was a fairly big one, and I liked sitting in a boxcar for a few minutes. It reminded me of my dad's story about his bachelor uncle who hopped trains during the Depression. There was even something about the 35W bridge collapse, the back door of a bus that was on the bridge. It reminded me of where I was that night- I was home- and I fielded way more calls than typical that night from friends and family. The comedy show in minneapolis in the evening was actually a house party, and the diner skit I am in was near the end, after midnight. I had the last lines in it, but I'd like to think this is a good thing as it means I am more memorable this way.

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