Friday, June 17, 2016

mitchum deodorant

I did the walk around the neighborhood in the evening. one of the things I picked up and put in the plastic shopping bag was a unit of mitchum deodorant. haven't used any of  this brand before but I have seen the ads. I was pleased to walk away with some coins as well, it pays to look at the car wash as most were found there. it was a total of 12 cents, all pennies. I washed them in the sink when I got home as some were grimy and I figure it is best before they are thrown in the change bank.
  I watched two 'big bang theory' episodes. syndicated rerun was when raj gave Sheldon a green lantern and incredible hulk hands to get him to be a wing man, or to double date. prime time episode was when Bernadette tells howard that she is pregnant.
   I had to cover for a colleague at the office, so it took longer to finish the payoff report. I didn't do that much more research on the expected car shopping venture. the main thing was calling the credit union about the pre-approval, as no APR was listed. I found out the estimated APR is a low one so I am pleased. I just wanted as much information as possible. I have compared it to buying a microwave oven, as I did this early in the year. I rely on it greatly much like a car, and didn't want to be without either for long. but a microwave oven is way cheaper of course. I have also said 'ford bull' fairly often as I was thinking of my dad. he said this when he drove a car borrowed from his aunt when we were in Arizona when I was a teenager visiting her. it was my first-ever plane ride, and he said this as we were in a ford Taurus. it is one type of car that I am considering, based on my online searches up to this point as to what is available.
   I did some settled and paid in full letters for the first and only time this week, but one request was sent to my boss as it is a sold account, sold over a year ago, and we must find out if we are to send one when this is the case.

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