Sunday, September 11, 2016

best american science writing

I wanted to do some errand running before hitting the road today. one of those stops was to the US Bank ATM. I noticed a book next to it, so I picked it up after my transaction was done and said 'you have been claimed!' it is called the best American science writing, 2008 edition. it says the editor is Sylvia nasar, author of 'a beautiful mind'. I don't read science much, but what caught my eye about this one was seeing former vice president al gore as a contributor. his piece was called 'moving beyond kyoto', and was in the new York times. it mentions his nobel prize win in the introduction. there is a sticker on the back cover that gives the web address for 'book crossing'. it shows a book with legs and arms, and says 'i'm a good book! please take me home. I promise i'll behave. it gives a BCID number inside the front cover, and this sounds like the 'where's george' thing with dollar bills. this would be where entries are made online about where the dollar bill has been.
   I made it to northfield just before 12noon to attend the jesse james festival. so I saw the final bank robbery re-enactment of the day, at 12:30. it was the typical looking around at familiar places, though all I bought was the festival button. I have missed this festival only once since 2007, and that was when I was in florida, since I was in a relationship then. I had a chocolate shake, pork chop on a stick bottled water, and some popcorn. I knew I wanted to 'get out of dodge' before the parade began at 2pm, also because I wanted to get back to the twin cities and perform at the donut party. my set did include mention of things I had done this weekend, along with jealousy about who got NYC postcards as well as comments about a haircut. I was able to do my Walgreen joke- about leaving off the 's'- as international falls was there this week.
  I was tired before the comedy show ended, so I knew it was best to go home and sleep for a while after it, and I did. I woke up after 8pm, and knew I should eat so I had the little godfather's pizza I got at the bobby and steve's near the performance venue. I still had more chores and errand running to do, so I went to the grocery store to get my full order for the week. last night I just got mile and orange juice right before closing at midnight as I wanted to stay in for a little while this morning. then there was dishes, recycle, and trash. I also watched the news, but it was on late likely due to pro football games that ran over. there was a show on after it about the election, some of it was about the 'fact checking' of TV ads. there was also mention of the 'bobble head election' that the st. paul saints had last month. I did not attend it as I was in new York city during that week.

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