Monday, September 5, 2016

short skirt long jacket, cake

on facebook tonight I got the reference on one posting, where there was a pie chart and it was a reference to a song by cake, called 'short skirt long jacket'. I found the video on youtube, it was a fairly short song at two and a half minutes. it shows the band playing outside, and a young lady smiling, but wearing jeans fairly often. at the end of the video she is wearing a short skirt and a long jacket, and is walking in an apartment building while a man is sitting down on the floor. there is talk of cars in the lyrics as well, trading an MG for a white Chrysler lebaron.
   in the afternoon I went to the renaissance festival, and it was nice to see some people I knew out there. I saw the radio personality, and brawler. and of course I did the 'blues brothers moment' with brawler. it reminds me how I have a standing offer to tour a radio studio, hopefully I can find the time soon since I am less busy when the summer is over. I did many of the typical things at ren-fest, such as tour the museum depicting various torture tactics as it is cheap, at $1.25. I had a corn dog, and a bottle of water, and made it to the robin hood show where I know two of the actors in it. one of them I still work with, the other I understand is now a full-time actor. also nice to see the mermaids. I picked up a nickel on the shuttle bus and it was part of what I gave at the mermaid exhibit.
   in the evening after 'big bang theory' I did a long walk around the neighborhood. it yielded the typical finds, plenty of trash which was thrown into a bin at a super-America. I also found 3 pennies, each one at a different place. before going to the festival I liked getting some chores done, such as logging into linkedin for the first time in months. I trimmed my contact list a little, it was necessary. I have done the same thing with facebook and twitter, where I wanted to stress quality, and in some cases I just didn't recognize their names. I did send out some connection requests as well, and I think two have already been accepted, one of them was from the Filipino man. I knew this was a good day to get things crossed off my list. when I was coming back from the festival I stopped at a super-America and got an ice cream sandwich, sparkling water, string cheese, and a pack of nutter butter. I knew this would hold me until I got home.

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