Monday, June 12, 2017

exploding kittens game

tonight I went to another meetup event. it was at the Grumpy's in Roseville, first time at that location. I went as I knew the event coordinator for my first-ever meetup event over a year ago. I played two games there for the first time, the first was called 'exploding kittens' and the other was 'king of tokyo'. all I can say about the cards in the former game is that the artist has an overactive imagination. and some of it would be considered vulgar. but I am thankful I played both games as it wasn't too hard to learn how to play both. I said 'call' a lot, figuring it was like in cards where it meant 'I am good'. I was there for three hours, then left as I was tired. I also noticed that a classmate, the judge in Des Moines, had called me and I wanted to respond to the message. but when I got home and responded I got his voicemail. I still felt more comfortable being tired while at home.
  I was woke up this morning by thunder and lightning around 9am. at first I wanted to ignore it but it got too loud, so I knew it would be hard to go back to sleep right away. I still waited a little while, until most of the storm had passed, to use the microwave oven to heat up my oatmeal.
   there was plenty that I got done before leaving for the meetup event. I decided to get a pack of baseball cards I had bought at a Walgreen into binders. there was cards for all 30 major league teams in it, except one (Tampa Bay). there was 13 duplicate cards out of 100, that will be destroyed. I decided to keep a sticker was in the mix, it  said 'triple play' from panini, by placing it on the page that was my ticket for the meetup event. it was of Chipper Jones, who played for the Braves. so it is next to my nametag on the page that was put into a sheet protector along with the ticket from the Saturday event. other cards that were put into binders were the ones bought in Des Moines recently, from last year's triple-A all star game, and 'swap cards' bought on e-bay from Australia, Charlie brown and snoopy themed. I was reminded why I don't do this project much as it is time-consuming.

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