Tuesday, June 27, 2017

macklemore throat clearing

I went to the performance venue tonight for a farewell. this open-mic has a changing of the guard on hosts as the two they've had for a while are both moving out of state. when I was being introduced one of them kept saying 'all right, okay' and it reminded me of Macklemore clearing his throat before deciding to sing. I gave a shout-out to both of them, as I recall they are soap opera and the basketball player. I did ones about seeing an old friend, doing karaoke, the jukebox, being at a memorial service, and a condescending coworker. I got a photo of the hosts onstage at the end of the show. after it ended I did a walk before I decided to get into my car and go home. it yielded 36 cents- a dime a nickel and 21 pennies. earlier I noticed some coins in a parking lot on my bus route so after I had eaten in the evening I went there, I picked up 3 pennies.
  it was a busy day at work, not due to the payoff report but due to the new titles that had arrived. it was a high volume compared to most, as I perfected just over 280 titles. this was the pack that was deferred on Friday as I was out of the office and so was my cohort. the second pack was done by my cohort. so there is not much left now, a pack of new contracts. it will take much less time than the new titles. I liked seeing there was another chance on getting the dairy queen pie slices, so I got one. these were left over from Friday, I was bummed at first that I missed out when I was looking through emails when I got back. I did another 5-minute chair massage as well, in the early afternoon. it was a different therapist than before.

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