Tuesday, January 15, 2019

apply on company site

I have been applying for most jobs on indeed. but sometimes a listing will say there 'apply on company site' and it means I am directed off indeed. I stayed in for much of the day, not only applying for jobs, but also for two phone interviews. one of them was in the morning, but it sounded like a collections position so I am not interested. the other was in the afternoon, and I asked them about all three applications filed with the company. almost forgot about them as I filed them two months ago. and they were filed on the company's site. I would like to think I did well enough on the second one to get invited for an in-person interview. I have another phone interview scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. I was kept busy applying for jobs from the printed list from the previous day. and then I knew well enough to look at the previous week to see that I handled all of those sending me to the company's site. of course it is easier to apply on indeed, as it is just a few clicks and you are done. but on the company's site, it means setting up a new account. so much like I was taught in college, when taking an exam, I do the easiest ones first as it saves time. there were some rejection messages today as well, but I know it goes with the territory of applying more than I was.
  in the evening after watching 'the conners' I went to a holiday gas station to use the ATM. I liked getting some cheese, as well as a pearson nut goodie. the latter item was from the discount bin. I went home for a few minutes but then went out again, this time to perform. one crowd member said I looked like an actor I hadn't heard of, after my set, showing me photos on his phone. a fellow performer let me know about a show he had been performing at, on a different night of the week, and I will have to consider going there as I like my stage time any way I get it. I said I probably had been close to that venue before, since I get around to various places. I spoke of a 'bank clock' being near there, serves as a good landmark. it is a cool concept, showing the time and temperature. 

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