Saturday, January 19, 2019

usual suspects movie

i watched a movie on loan from the library this morning, 'usual suspects'. it was 'postponed' from the previous day. it was on a list of thriller movies when I was looking for ideas, and it no doubt kept me guessing until the end. memorable is the quote by the kevin spacey character, about convincing people that the devil didn't exist. I did not recognize all of the main actors in it, but I am familiar with kevin Pollak and Stephen baldwin. much of the movie surrounds the interrogation of the kevin spacey character, after the explosion of a ship in los angeles. the movie starts and ends there, so of course there are various flashbacks to fill in the story. the DVD said 'special edition', likely referring to how the movie was released originally in 1995, when VHS was the thing. there were some ridiculous scenes in it, such as seeing somebody smoking in a hospital.
   there was the typical errand running to do this morning and afternoon, such as check my p.o. box. five e-bay orders were there, but not the one from Israel which was placed nearly a month ago. I wonder if it is being held up by the government shutdown. but I like the ones that did arrive, four of them were postcards. this included one of a chessie system train, inspired by seeing the video for the song 'driver 8' by the band REM. I stopped at a cub foods to get some TV dinners, and there was a banner celebrating the opening of their adjacent liquor department. there was an ice sculpture near the main entrance of the grocery store as well. I had a sample of the hangover remedy drink. I also turned in some change at the bank, over two dollars. when asked what I am doing this weekend, I said I can't afford to do much while unemployed. In the evening I was able to shave a few more sheet protectors, three in all, by doing some more doubling up of what is there. I have re-deployed two of them.
    after the late news I went out to sing some karaoke, and the song was 'people like us' by Kelly Clarkson. before that I found a video on youtube that proved to be inspirational. it was about tragedy inspiring great songs. I knew four of the five, but not one by jim carroll, who did 'people who died'. I guess he also wrote 'basketball diaries' which became a movie. the song floored me, and inspired me to write some poetry about some of my friends that have died. I know full well to avoid ignoring when I am inspired. I still refer to a lyric in an anna nalick song, 'threatening the life it belongs to' as to the power of being inspired.

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