Thursday, January 24, 2019

pleasantville movie

i watched a DVD movie on loan from the library this afternoon, 'pleasantville'. I do recall this one being promoted when it was at theaters, but did not see it until now. at times I predicted what was going to happen next, not sure what this means other than I've seen plenty of movies before. there was a good cast, I recognized many of the actors in it. this includes tobey maguire, reese witherspoon, William macy, jeff daniels, and don knotts. I recognized one scene as being straight out of the bible, as we see a woman offering an apple to a man. I liked seeing 'across the universe' performed by Fiona apple near the end of the movie. it also means looking up some things mentioned in the movie, such as DH Lawrence, a writer that one of the characters likes to read. I saw some things in it as being social commentary on some level, so this can probably be described as a 'dystopian' movie.
   I had two appointments this morning. the first was a job fair, but I didn't stay for long. I gave my name and email and asked them to contact me about the positions I had already applied for. the second was an actual interview. I arrived early for it, but it helped that I had been at that venue before. it will be a 3-week wait to hear if there is an offer. on the way to the second appointment I was called and then went to a parking lot to take the call. it led to getting another interview for Friday morning. I actually was getting called multiple times while watching the movie this afternoon. and when I got home I turned my phone on and there was 3 messages waiting. so as the saying goes, when it rains it pours. but it remains to be seen as to if there will be any offers from this latest crop of activity. of course I am still waiting to hear about last week's interview.
    I went to perform at the karaoke bar tonight. it was a light crowd, possibly due to the subzero weather. so I did three songs. it was 'across the universe' by the beatles, 'criminal' by Fiona apple, and the 'pina colada song'. the third one apparently is officially known as 'escape' by Rupert holmes. the song reminds me of a fellow comic who has a joke about it, I think I call her number 25. so when I heard it on the radio tonight and needed another song to do, I knew that had to be the one. 

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