Wednesday, January 9, 2019

job fair extended

I know I could have made it earlier to a job fair, but I am thankful it was extended beyond the time allotment since there were many in line to talk to a state government agency. I was given a helpful hint by one of the HR people- try calling instead of just an email. I like having their perspective of having too many emails to look at. I just didn't want to be too annoying, wanting to hear about an interview I had a month ago. I also liked hearing about another 'bulk hire' position available, so I applied for it online later on in the day. this was the first of two job fairs to attend. the other was with an insurance company. like many other companies, there was call center positions available but my skill set is more than just that. so hard to say where it will lead. I was informed that my information will be forwarded to other departments. and I applied online a second time as well. the first time was before the job fair, per the advice of an email sent by somebody that happened to be who I interviewed with today. even though I like all of the activity that I have experienced in the job front so far this week, I really wish there was an offer already. but even though I am known for many things, patience is not one of them. I knew well enough to have breaks between the job fairs, and when I drove home from the first one I had lunch, heating up some chili. I arrived fairly early for the second one but I had things I wanted to do after it.
    I often watch the rerun channels, and today this included the conclusion of a 3-part story on 'the jeffersons'. it was the one about getting money back that was lost in a con game. I do recall watching this one when I was young, and this is why I wanted to watch it again. these episodes stand out to me more than most of them did. I performed this evening and it was great to see the button there. I said it meant a lot to say 'thank you' in person for finding me a newer venue. she did the joke about losing weight. I did one about how it was really windy, and a recent karaoke story. I liked seeing behind the curtain that was on the stage, there was not only framed artwork of yoda but also of a rural home.

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