Wednesday, January 2, 2019

inside voice

i performed tonight and there was microphone problems before my set. it was when whopper was onstage. so some of us had to go without one, including me. I spoke of how I really don't have an inside voice, so it should be no problem for me projecting out to others. not long after I left the stage the mike problem was corrected, I saw and heard the crow saying 'one, two' a way of testing it. I was told that people could hear me just fine, wasn't sure when bars can get loud and crowded. magic man showed up and had a short set during the crow's set, who was the show closer. I got a laminated card encouraging me to post a photo of it on facebook as it would get me a free drink. I like this newer mic but after the show I am aware of how I am spending too much time describing why I am there. what difference does it make? of course I am referring to how I started shopping for another mic because I was tired of performing to an empty room. I am reminded of what was said to me before, don't recall who said it. 'celebrate the triumph, don't just remember the tragedy'. I am also aware of how I hate to leave the venue after the show is over as I know so many people there, and talking or listening to them sure beats being at home. so I don't know if this makes me look needy at all. I liked talking with whopper before the show, I asked about his shows since he does theater as well. I know, I should talk more about the actual performing part of the night. I didn't want to do the same set as last night since this was a different kind of show. so it meant so I decided to talk about stopping at a gas station on the way there, as well as getting some discounted candy earlier today.
   on the job front, I had a phone interview in the afternoon, it actually started 5 minutes early but I was still ready for it. of course I am hopeful to get an in-person interview out of it as well. I went to the library to print some things before it. I got two more DVDs on loan from there, after taking a week or two off due to the holidays. and there was a stop at the post office, four items were at my box, all postcards from e-bay orders. I spent a lot of time applying for jobs on indeed as well as ones where it said 'apply on company site'. some of these were with government agencies. after the phone interview, and more online activity, I checked a grocery store but they were out of egg nog. I knew it was at the end of the season, but I liked having it as long as I did. I know, I could have bought two cartons on my most recent visit instead of one, but I know full well how I go through it quickly so I wanted to pace myself. I left the store without buying anything, no big deal to me. and I like getting in and out without saying a word to anyone.

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