Monday, January 21, 2019

jamaica coin

i am pleased to find foreign coins when out and about. tonight it was a Jamaica coin, 10 cents, from 1982. it was the size of an American quarter. there is a coat of arms on one side that said 'out of many, one people'. so this reminds me of a motto for America, 'e pluribus unum', which means basically the same thing. the other side has flowers on it. I ran out of space in the albums I have so it will go into a tin that once held mints, along with many other coins in my collection. according to Wikipedia, there are many coins in this nation that are worth a dollar or more.
    I applied for more jobs today, some with the state government. others were 'apply on company site' much like the ones for the state. this was in the afternoon, and then I just decided to sleep for a while. there was a 'phone screen' as well, which I didn't like as it was unscheduled. it will lead to a 'phone interview' the next day. in the morning there was a back-to-work session, although much of the time I talked about the interviews I had since the last meeting, and the upcoming ones as well. I spoke about performing some, when it was relevant, and was asked about performing. apparently to some, it is a big deal to perform six nights a week. I of course made my way to the performance venue in the evening, and found some material such as the coin on the same day. this has happened before. one never knows when I might be inspired. I enjoyed a chat about where movies have been filmed with the laundry comic, and about godfather's pizza. and with brawler, he said a movie I heard more about recently was depressing but this wouldn't bother me at all. happy meal was wearing a weird hat and he let people touch it.

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