Thursday, January 17, 2019

nina (simone) movie

i watched another DVD on loan from the library this morning, 'nina', a bio-pic about nina simone, a musician. I am not too familiar with her, aside from recently singing 'feeling good' at a karaoke bar. I did not recognize any of the actors in it, but I still like watching bio-pics so this didn't matter to me at all. it sends the typical message: how it is not easy to be famous. I would have liked seeing more of the music being played, and I know I had said this before about another bio-pic- the one about billie holliday. I know this part of the story needs to be told, the troubles away from performing, such as the mental illness, but the parts with the music are more enjoyable. much like Josephine baker, it appears that she was an American ex-patriate living in france. there was a scene depicting comedian Richard pryor, as a comic of course I was interested in that one.
    there was more movement in the job front. I do have an in-person interview scheduled for Friday. and somebody with the same company emailed me about an interview for a different role, albeit next week. but I didn't feel the need to tell anyone that. this was why I moved up my trip to the library, as I had planned on waiting until the weekend. I wanted to print more things, such as the interview invite that was emailed to me. and I returned one of the two movies on loan, while picking up another.
    I went to perform at the karaoke bar tonight, after going to an event at the loft literary center in Minneapolis. it was a member event announcing the lineup at the book festival in the spring. one of the writers slated to be there is Stephen king. there was cake after the announcement, I had two pieces though I was told I could have even more. I had some godfather's pizza at the bobby and steve's nearby and went home for about an hour before heading out again for karaoke. I did two songs, 'sunday morning' by no doubt, and 'vogue' by Madonna. with the former it was meant to be the one by maroon 5, but it was no big deal for me. I saw the couple from before, the guy is a truck driver but his lady did most of the talking, she was the one that wanted to hear me sing Madonna. they tell me they want to get married at this venue in the summer.

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