Sunday, January 13, 2019

nocturnal animals movie

I watched a DVD on loan from the library this evening, 'nocturnal animals', starring Amy Adams. I had picked up a postcard advertising it but did not see it at theaters. it was likely at an arthouse theater such as the lagoon in uptown Minneapolis, as I see postcards there more than your typical mainstream theater. The card depicted it as a thriller, so it piqued my interest. and since I saw the card whenever looking in the photo album where it was kept, it was often in the back of mind to try to see it at some point. it is about a woman reading the manuscript of a book written by her ex-husband that was dedicated to her. this movie started out kind of weird, apparently at an art gallery where one sees overweight- and naked- women as art on display. what I noticed was how the main character of the movie experiences some powerful emotions while reading the book, often a mirror image of the main character of the book itself. what made it a thriller was what happens at night in west Texas, hence the name 'nocturnal animals'. and it leads to sex, violence, and murder. there was a few times where I had to 'rewind' the movie and go back a minute or two to make sure I heard what was said correctly. I don't know if 'stunned' is the right word to describe how I felt while watching it. but I will admit I liked the 'story within a story' concept here. one way this concept was used was how it led to flashbacks to when she was married to the author. one memorable scene was when she is walking through the art gallery and seeing one piece of art that just said 'revenge' which suggested the book she was reading was revenge of some sort. the ending was anticlimactic, but otherwise I liked this movie. hopefully I can find some more thrillers while making a regular visit to the library.
    I stayed in for all of today, and for much of the day watched the NFL playoffs. the patriots beat the chargers and the saints beat the eagles. although I am aware how I was paying attention to the second game more than the first, likely due to the second being a closer game. in the evening I watched 'the Simpsons' after the playoff games were completed, it was about Lisa finding a family she wanted to live with more than her own. then I watched the movie, and after that I did the dishes while watching the news. there was something about a man making 'cigar box guitars'.

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