Tuesday, January 22, 2019

unsane movie

i watched a DVD on loan from the library this morning, 'unsane'. it was about somebody that ended up in a mental hospital and didn't belong there. a subplot was about somebody posing as an inmate that was actually an investigative reporter. I didn't recognize that many actors in it, really just matt damon, who had a small role in it. this film was directed by steven soderbergh, and I know I have seen some of his other films, including 'sex lies and videotape'. Wikipedia called it a 'psychological horror film' and this fits since it feels like something that could really happen to somebody. she makes an appointment, was told to sign some papers, and then gets committed.
   there was two phone interviews, one this morning and one in the afternoon. I understand that an in-person interview was scheduled due to the first one, but so far I have received no message confirming it. and it was confusing when I was called in the afternoon, while at the library, by the same company, albeit a different role. in the evening I watched the season finale of 'the conners' which had a cliffhanger ending. it seemed kind of early to have a season finale, but I know some shows have short seasons. I checked Wikipedia and it listed declining ratings for the show since the first episode. so I don't know what this means in terms of renewal. eventually I went out to perform, but not before helping a neighbor move in some furniture. he likes to do bow hunting, and this was evident in what I saw, seeing some trophies such as a deer head. he spoke of moving here from new mexico. I usually don't take the time to get to know my neighbors, so I guess this means I grew as a person by helping them out.

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