Wednesday, January 23, 2019

gift card holders

i was at a copy store before midday and I noticed some of the charlie brown and snoopy items there. one of them was a gift card holder, in the shape of a mailbox. so I got a photo of it. I had bought a soup bowl with a handle there before, and they do have those as well, but a different charlie brown theme than what I have. I wanted to print a job description for the interview I am having the next day. and I didn't feel like going to the library for it. before then I left a voicemail in reference to an interview and got a response to it after I got back, while washing my hands to get ready for lunch. it was an offer, and now I have to figure out if I will accept it. I like being armed with information, and I researched some things online. one of them was other applications with this company on indeed. and I called an advisor about it. I left a voicemail near the end of the workday and said I needed more information. so it was essentially a counter-offer. I don't know yet if there will be an offer from last week's interview, but I hope there will be, and it will likely be a better than this one. and I really would like to hear about the other applications, that were filed later on, as those roles are more long-term than this one is at this point. my advisor responded, and I was given some options as to what I can do. so I am thankful for calling an advisor. but it is a big deal to me that I did not accept right away, since I tell myself it is best to take the first offer when there may not be another one.
   I performed this evening, and it was nice to see the button there. also saw blake, who did a story about being in Canada. there were two headliners tonight, one of them is a radio personality and she was there when I first sang karaoke a while back, saying I was better at it than some of her friends. I made a point of saying how I now sing karaoke fairly often now. I did ones about the library, furniture, and karaoke bar patrons.

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