Tuesday, January 1, 2019

repurposed shipping container

I performed tonight at a place that had a repurposed shipping container. apparently some of the beer is kept there on tap. I had met the show runner at an open-mic I have been frequenting for a few months now. it was nice to get some wooden nickels for the beer. we were also given pizza at the end of the night, I guess it otherwise would have been thrown away. there was a wide variety of people performing tonight, one of them was playing an animal horn.
   I also went to the comic brunch in Eagan. the resistable comic is the show runner there. plenty of people were there, it is why I like going there. I watched some of the outback bowl while there, iowa held on to beat Mississippi state 27-22.
   I made a nice discovery on the TV network known as 'movies!' although I was confused at first. the movie was 'the greatest', a bio-pic about boxer Muhammad ali, where he played himself. I was not familiar with this movie, as I had only heard of the more recent one known as 'ali'. this one was much earlier than 'ali', as it was released in 1977. I also learned something from it, I think it was when I was checking Wikipedia after it was over. I found out they have the song 'the greatest love of all' in it, and performed by somebody that wasn't whitney Houston. I found out her version was actually a remake or a cover, and this is more evidence of how it is not always widely known about songs being a cover at times. I like being self-taught on music, and this is more evidence of what can be learned and seen just by paying attention.

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