Sunday, January 27, 2019

rent on fox

tonight I stayed in an watched 'rent' on fox. I turned on the TV at 7pm expecting to see 'the Simpsons' but seeing this instead was fine. I had seen the show on Broadway in 2005, during a week-long visit to new York city. and then I saw the movie version less than a year later, which was released after the show had completed its run on Broadway. this was one of my 'super bowl movies', meaning, I see an early screening of it that is done well before the game begins. I had bought the soundtrack on CD, a used copy. I liked seeing this show for the first time in a while. the most compelling characters to me were the one using a video camera, the crossdresser that was murdered, along with roger and mimi. when I had posted on twitter that I had seen it, I saw some other postings about it. something about some words were left out. of course some things had to be changed for TV if they wanted it to air on that medium! seeing it on TV proves that this show truly captured the 'zeitgeist' and few shows are able to do so.
   I had no problem whatsoever with staying in for all of today. the weather report said the winter weather would get bad by mid-afternoon, and all I saw on facebook that was of interest was an open audition. I later saw mention of how there will be another session, Tuesday evening. so I did some things that needed to be done, such as shred more junk mail. and I listened to a basketball game on the radio, the Iowa-Minnesota game from Williams arena. Minnesota won 92-87. I think I fell asleep at least once during the game, but this tends to happen when I lay down while tired. and I did the dishes while watching the news, after 'rent' was done.

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