Saturday, January 12, 2019

bad news bears movie

i watched a DVD on loan from the library this afternoon, 'bad news bears', the one from 1976 starring walter matthau. I am familiar with later movies in the franchise, and a remake as well, starring  billy bob thornton. naturally I noticed how things will look dated since it was made over 40 years ago. this would include things like the beer cans and bottles. they looked like steel cans, and no-neck or 'stout' bottles. if I had seen it before, it had been a while. sometimes I can predict what happens in a movie, and I did so here, saying 'a prank is coming up' and I was right. no surprise how the villainous opponent in this movie was a team called the yankees, as the major league version is known for winning a lot. I noticed how the coach was drinking various kinds of beer, including Budweiser, miller, Schlitz, coors, and possibly pabst. the thing I recalled best was the sponsor of the team, chico's bail bonds. it was funny to see their slogan as well, 'let freedom ring'. I was not familiar with most of the child actors in it, just tatum O'Neal, who was the team's pitcher. I was looking for cards of baseball movies on e-bay, and from this one I bought the one depicting the juvenile delinquent, who became their best player.
   there was the typical errand running to do, such as check my post office box but nothing was waiting there. It was still a good idea to go there as I wanted to mail in my entry to publishers clearing house, which arrived this week. and of course there was going to the grocery store. it was much less leisurely because of wanting to get to an event in the evening, the timber-wolves basketball game. it was a big ten alumni event, so I went to a bar first where many of us were gathering. it was called 'last call', and it was a block from the arena, also near the light rail stop. I took the light rail to get there, and at my stop was a man and his son, who were asking me if it was the right train. I found out they were from out of town, Rochester. I said it meant taking the one going to Minneapolis, otherwise you are going to the airport or mall of America. I liked getting a winter hat as part of the ticket order, as well as a chance to shoot from the foul line after the game. my shot rimmed out, but I said it was better than the previous one, two years ago. oh, and the wolves won, they beat new orleans 110-106. after I took the light rail home I watched some of the news and then read an online article about general electric, my former employer. they have became a shell of their former selves, as the stock price is much lower and they have been de-listed from the dow-30 index. it was from the wall street journal, a long article. then it was on to a karaoke venue, where I sang 'soul to squeeze' by the red hot chili peppers.

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