Monday, January 7, 2019

girl on the train movie

i watched a DVD on loan from the library, a fairly recent movie, 'girl on the train'. I don't know Emily blunt that well, but she is in it. I knew some of the actors with smaller roles in it better, such as Allison janney, laura prepon, and lisa Kudrow. I will admit that the title caught my eye for some reason. and I do like seeing a thriller, as I want somebody to keep me guessing. and this movie kept me guessing for a while. I was able to understand well how the characters were inter-related. the setting was a suburb of new York city, in Westchester county. and a commuter train goes past these houses. although not much actually happens on the train. marriages, divorces, sex, drinking, and therapy all figure into it being a thriller. there was some good visual art in it as well, two paintings in particular, as well as the sketches by the main character. of course an art gallery is shown.
   the day started kind of early in terms of me opening up my email and seeing an interview request. although I was lost as to what job I had applied for. but I scheduled a 15-minutes interview for about two hours later. but there were some things that led to it looking unattractive. for one thing, I saw no receptionist to greet me upon arrival. eventually one arrived, she said she went to the bathroom. another thing was finding out it was basically a sales job, and I've said before how I would starve if I worked on commission. I even said 'I am used to seeing a directory' in reference to the business name out front didn't match the one inside. some other interviews were scheduled for later in the week, or early next week. while I was watching the movie I fielded multiple calls. one was just as the movie had started, right after the previews had ended. I was asked if I was still interested in a job I had applied to less than a week ago, and I can expect another call sometime soon to set up an interview. I know, readers. one would think 'huh?' as I am also used to when somebody calls, it is to set up the interview. and I have no idea when they might be calling again. another organization called me multiple times, three in all, two of them were about two minutes apart. they said they had seen my resume on monster, and I asked them to email me about the job. and yet, 30 minutes later, I was called again, asking if I had seen the email. even though I had already told them I would review it after I had finished watching the movie. so of course they were a little too impatient and didn't listen well. when I did respond, after the movie was done, I saw two responses. the first asked what kind of pay I wanted, the second gave an amount that was laughably high. when the hourly pay is not listed in a job description on an unsolicited email, I asked what it pays as I don't want to waste my time. so I am not going to pursue this one, too risky. I applied for some more jobs on indeed as well. most of them were in reference to a daily email I get, and I wrote down the titles on an earlier printed email.
  in the evening I performed at the comedy club. I was thrilled to get more minutes than typical, as well as going on later than typical. I was after two notable comics, one of them being happy meal. the other is a native of northfield, but I don't know him as well. I liked seeing brawler at the club, since of course with the holidays it wasn't possible the past two weeks. I was pleased with my set, and some others were as well, saying so after I left the stage. I usually step out of the showroom right after my set to reflect on it, but this time it also was to go to the bathroom. I spoke about the grocery store, family, karaoke, and popcorn. brawler said he liked the photo I posted from his book signing. I said in an interview that I would continue 'as long as it is fun' and it still is. I also liked seeing yemen native, and chalm-skinn, for the same reasons I liked seeing brawler. it is nice being able to talk about multiple subjects. of course some of it was about performing. but at the same time, I would get bored with just wanting to talk shop when I have more than that going on in my life. so I like it when I am asked 'how is life?' and it is understood this can mean various things. the circle of friends I have found in performing make it more worthwhile, something to look forward to at each venue. 

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