Friday, January 4, 2019

downhill, into curb

i performed at an open-mic tonight. I don't like having to park my car on a hill, but figured I had no choice. so I recalled a lesson from driver-ed class which was how to park downhill, into the curb. and of course parking brake on. I was caught off-guard by hearing a comic saying he wanted to hear me laugh. when I did my set I said I don't know if I should be flattered, when I didn't know him that well. we spoke after I left the stage. I asked how long he had been doing stand-up, he said one year. so this could have ended way worse, but I try to give people a chance with me before outright rejecting them. I was trying to make it to the venue on time, and it was tough when it slowed down a lot on my 'final approach'. then when I got there I found out the facebook invite listed the time when the doors open, so I was 30 minutes early. good. I spoke with two different people there. the movie 'the goonies' was on TV near the bar, and I said I hadn't seen it. then it led to talk of how I was out of work, so I may have a job lead. a lady said her company needed somebody, so I asked to write it down and I friended her on facebook. I have nothing to lose in terms of what jobs are available there.
   speaking of that, I did do more on the job front. I applied to plenty of jobs on indeed, and got a return call from an advisor. we spoke for a while, and I was sent another email with videos in it that I can review. so I would like to think it will be beneficial much like the others. but I of course hate all of the waiting involved after applying, and then if I get an interview as well. in the evening after getting home, and then watching the news, I went out to perform again. it was karaoke, and I did one song, 'SOB' by Nathaniel Rateliff and the night sweats. I liked seeing people really get into it, but I know this has proven to be a crowd pleaser. some were dancing while I sang, including the karaoke jockey. and it was nice to see somebody I knew from a venue I no longer frequent, I knew he was a friend of somebody I called 'billy the kid' figuring that mnemonic device would help with remembering his name.

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