Saturday, January 26, 2019

snowplow sandwich

i was running errands this afternoon and when I reached an interchange I had no choice but to go after one snowplow and before the other one. first time, more than likely, that I had been part of a 'snowplow sandwich'. I didn't like the feeling so I changed lanes at my first chance to do so. there is virtually no margin of error when this happens, so I had to do something about it. once it was all done, I went to the annual twins fan-fest, held at the stadium. I had some pizza and hot chocolate there first, then did my exploring of the event. the 'flea market' section is what I like, plenty of cheap souvenirs available such as postcards. it was in the sub-basement, and the 'farm club' section was moved there. I liked getting four postcards, three of which were those yellow hall of fame plaque postcards. the others were four trading cards, two of which were from a minor-league club. I didn't see much of the interviews, no big deal. but I still did what meant the most to me, including picking up a pocket schedule for the season. I am aware that it says 'winter edition' so everything is still subject to change, and of course it doesn't list the gameday promotions yet. I also got a free photo, much like on previous visits. it reminded me of the personal baseball card I got at some of the all-star game fan-fests I had attended.
   I also did some karaoke in the evening, 'until I fall away' by the gin blossoms. I did my grocery shopping after getting back from the fan-fest. I knew it still had to be done, no big deal doing it later in the day as there are fewer people there when closing time is less than an hour away.

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