Saturday, January 5, 2019

southern comfort egg nog

I lucked out on finding some more egg nog. I went to a target express store and figured I would check if they had any. and they did, 3 kinds. one I don't recall, but the other two were lactaid and southern comfort. I looked at the carton and it did say non-alcoholic. there was two employees in this section when I was there and I asked if I needed help, they seemed to recommend the southern comfort. I  also got a toothbrush and some clear tape. this egg nog tasted fine. but I know we are reaching the end of the season so this may be the last quart I have. before that I sent a card to my brother in response to his card this week.
    after I went to the aldi grocery store this afternoon I decided to lay down and slept for a while, for about an hour. I watched some of the NFL playoffs, the seahawks-cowboys game was on fox. it was the second game of the day, in the evening. I left when the 3rd quarter ended, as I wanted to attend a show. I stayed for most of it but left when I wanted to go sing karaoke at another venue. happy meal was one of the performers tonight, although not originally scheduled apparently. he did a good story about his thumb. when I got to the karaoke bar I sang 'feeling good' by nina simone. also notable about the night was two other things. on the way to the first show I saw a plume of smoke from a car in front of me on the freeway, and what looked like a lit cigarette being thrown out of the car. I slowed down a little and then eventually passed them. they put their blinkers on and they were out of sight rather quickly so there must have been a big problem with their car. and while I was singing karaoke I took my beer with me but not the popcorn. then a server came around and threw out the popcorn. it may have been free, but I was planning on eating it after I was done singing. but I know what servers are like at the places I perform at.

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