Monday, January 28, 2019

sewing buttons on coat

I knew it was time to sew some buttons back onto my winter coat. there was two that had fallen off, and I noticed another was close to the same fate, so it was three in all. we had some subzero weather last week, and more of the same is due for this week. I also took the time to take care of a problem with one of the pockets having multiple holes in it. no big deal to do the sewing there as well, to close the holes. I like how some maintenance is fairly simple, but it is all about taking the time to do it. I figured it was a good idea to have all of the buttons on it, so it is more functional when it is really cold. but it wasn't the only preparation I did today. I also got an oil change done for my car, it was time as it had been more than three months. and I went out to shovel around it first. I may not use the shovel much, but I like having it when I really need it. I was satisfied after a little while and then went back inside to have lunch. then in the early afternoon I drove to the dealer for the oil change. it ended up taking just about 30 minutes, the cashier said there were some cancellations. I was pleased with how it didn't take long. I hadn't even finished reading a newspaper article.
    I was on the phone frequently about jobs. there was a phone screen, then another agency called me and sent me assessments to do. one appointment for Tuesday was moved to Friday. I actually got two calls while I was out shoveling out my car, but one of them was a wrong number. the other was moving an appointment. I would like to think this means there will be an offer soon, but it is hard to tell as it doesn't always mean much to get interviews.
   I liked seeing some of my friends at the comedy club. it meant seeing Worthington, and much like when talking to Stillwater it led to writing down something to look up later on. I liked how the former took the time to ask about my family. I was also at the same table as brawler, and happy meal. there was somebody who came to our table and recommended getting isopropyl alcohol for the upcoming cold snap for the car's windshield washer fluid reservoir apparently. I parked at a different place than typical tonight as I wanted to avoid getting towed due to the snow emergency. it worked fine on my set, some of it was weird things I would hear others say when I was young. also notable was when I was on my way home I was at a stoplight and somebody approached the car. I couldn't hear them, but figured they wanted money and mouthed the words that I was turning them down. I had my car radio on and I could hear the song 'take a chance on me' by ABBA. weird.

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