Monday, January 14, 2019

if at first

it has been said before, 'if at first you don't succeed, try again'. well I applied to two banks today for the first time in months. I already got a rejection from one of them, but I would like to think I can get at least one interview from the others as I filed 20 applications in all. having some mortgage experience, albeit just a month, on my resume has to look more attractive. I had a phone interview this morning but it didn't pan out. I found out it was essentially a sales job, so not my thing. I returned the DVDs to the library and got two more. it helped to do an online search for ideas on more thriller movies and no surprise how the top 100 had some by Alfred Hitchcock. of course I was at the library to print some things, such as the weekly list from indeed. it is emailed to me daily, but I am already aware of how there can be some duplication so weekly is enough. I got another interview scheduled as well. although just getting an interview doesn't mean much, as I keep finding out from the ones I have been doing lately.
    I performed this evening, and I got a photo of another performer in costume while a musician, he looked like the mad hatter from 'alice in wonderland'. then later on he did a comedy set. I also liked hearing somebody do two songs, it was 'bridge over troubled water' by simon and garnfunkel, and 'friends and lovers' by carl Anderson and Gloria loring. the night started off with the show runner saying that some performers would be honoring a friend who had recently committed suicide. apparently they had performed on that stage but I am not sure if I knew them. there are so many people that I meet while performing and it is hard to recall everybody. but it is sobering to have reminders such as these how fragile life can be. 

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