Sunday, January 20, 2019

stan and ollie movie

I went to see the movie 'stan and ollie', a bio-pic about the entertainment duo known as laurel and hardy, in Edina this afternoon. I had seen a flyer for it last month when I was at the same theater. so this one was on my list to see. I did not recognize many of the actors in it, just john c. reilly, who played oliver hardy. but when the flyer said it was a british movie, this may be why. if most of the actors in it happen to be british. most of this movie was about doing a live theater tour in the british isles in 1953. this was at the end of their performing career. I had hoped that there would be more about the movies that made them famous. there is a reference to another comedy duo in the movie, abbott and Costello. there was a decent crowd for this screening, the first one of the day. this would be considered an 'art film' and the only theater in the metro area showing it. I know well enough to try to see them in the first week as sometimes I only get one week for a limited release movie. I chose the time not only because it was a bargain matinee, but also because I wanted to watch most of the NFL playoffs at home.
    when I got home I needed to get lunch going, and I turned on the TV to the first game of the day, rams-saints. it was near the end of the first quarter by then. I got a few things done while watching the games today, such as pay a bill by phone. also did some shredding of junk mail. then the dishes after the games were done. both went into overtime, rams beat the saints and patriots beat the chiefs. so the super bowl matchup is set, and the game is two weeks from now. I also applied for some more jobs on indeed, after the dishes were done.

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