Sunday, October 21, 2012

Black Angel Statue, Iowa City

Before leaving town I went to find the Black Angel statue in an Iowa City cemetery. It was hard to find at first, since many of the roads around the cemetery were under construction. But when it stands over eight feet tall it is hard to miss once the cemetery is found and then walking around a little inside. I know some books have mentioned it, like 'Iowa Baseball Confederacy' by W.P. Kinsella, who also wrote 'Shoeless Joe', the inspiration for the movie 'Field of Dreams'. We also went to Iowa Book and Supply, and found some souvenirs there. One of them I liked finding was a Hawkeye baseball. Then I got a good look at the wall display at the Fieldhouse about Irving Weber. It was about the dedication of the walkway named for him in 1992, inside the Fieldhouse.
   This was also the first time I had 'breakfast pizza' at a Casey's store, it tasted good as I do like eggs. We didn't find it at the one closest to our hotel in Williamsburg, so we went one stop west on I-80, at first to find the 'McStop'- a McDonald's near the outlet mall- and saw another Casey's we could try. The location having it was a larger one, so it made sense how it had more services available. Before leaving the smaller location I did get two postcards, of Cedar Rapids and the Amana Colonies, along with some cookies.
   During our drive back to the Twin Cities, I did pick up even more postcards. It left me with 11 for the weekend. Two were at Iowa book, one had pictures of four of the University's dorm buildings on it. The other was of University Hospitals, including the fountain. Then I found five I liked when at a truck stop in Albert Lea. Some were actually of Wisconsin, but I liked seeing a picture of Miller Park, the Brewers baseball stadium, on it. I didn't have one of those yet.

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