Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bob Marley Shirt

When I was waiting for the bus tonight after work I saw a woman raise her pantleg.  It had a tattoo, 'James', on her leg. She was also wearing a Bob Marley shirt, and had a child in a stroller. I saw some White Castle Zesty Zing sauce in the street. The package was unopened, so I picked it up and threw it in a nearby trash bin. I also picked up some trash in a wishing well, as there was an empty plastic drinking cup in it. Normally people don't take things out of wishing wells, myself included. But it just seemed wrong to be there. It looks better when all you see is water and coins.
   After going to the comedy club tonight, I liked seeing the 'Simpsons' Halloween episode. It was one where the family is inside Mr. Burns. The professor spoke of 'retro viruses' and made a reference to Harvey Pekar if I'm not mistaken. A fellow comic compared me to this writer. I also liked the episode as it ends with the 'Perfect Strangers' theme song in the closing credits. It was a fun sitcom I liked as a youngster, and one I spoke of when I finally moved to Chicagoland. How many shows are about moving to a big city to try your luck and seek your fortune in this world. 'Standing tall on the wings of my dreams', those lyrics still stick with me. Along with 'my life, my dreams, nothing's going to stop me now'. Or Balki being on the back of a wagon next to a box that said 'America or Burst'.  
   The comedy show was fairly good, I knew all three performers from the open-mic nights. I chose this show as I got a Facebook invite, to replace another show that was not happening tonight. The price of the drink was a little higher than what I am used to. The headliner was selling his comedy CD after the show. The feature was the one that invited me, he did jokes about neck tattoos, as he has one, and how Sarah Palin signed his GED since he got it when in Alaska. Same one who said I should interview strippers earlier this week, but there weren't any there tonight to the best of my knowledge.   

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