Monday, October 29, 2012

Fighting Bird's Nest

I was paying attention to what somebody was wearing at the comedy club tonight. It was a patch on their zipper hoodie, and I said it either looked like a tornado or a bird's nest. Surprised that a shot in the dark was correct, he said it was the latter. Odd name for a sports team- fighting bird's nest. Another comic spoke of options for me coming up on what shows to attend. It was in reference to a Facebook invite I had received. It was suggested that I interview strippers at one of them. Something about finding out where they went wrong, and led them to becoming strippers.
   A message on an E-bay order said the item may be delayed due to Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast. It did remind me to contact my college roommate, who lives in that region, in Eastern Pennsylvania. Found out on Facebook that it looks like things are fine, for the most part. Waiting for the storm to go away, and how there's no work right now.
   Another notable thing on Facebook was a message that said 'Don't say you don't remember me'. Something about wanting to be added as a Facebook friend. I responded by asking how we had met and where. The message was dated nearly three weeks ago, not sure why I didn't see it any earlier. Also noticed that the school logo on their page was one in the Philippines apparently. I checked the map and there was some mention of Manila, the capital city. So it's not likely that we had met. Especially since I haven't been to the Philippines. All I can claim is how I had a colleague that was Filipino when working in suburban Chicago. A good guy, but haven't heard from him much since leaving the area.

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