Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Baseball Cards For Comedians

   At the comedy club tonight I got a baseball card from one of the comics after the show ended. He stuttered a lot, and said he was from the Los Angeles area. I liked seeing many of my friends in the lineup, such as the one who does the 'Porn in the hotel room' joke. This included the show-runner from last night's show, doing the joke about the hot-air balloon announcer. I did see the 'Magic Man' but he did not go onstage, unsure why unless the lineup was full.
    I liked hearing a 'Scared Straight' joke from one comic, in reference to how kids shouldn't give up on their dreams. They were implying that working in an office was like jail. Well, not quite. But the joke was still funny as I have seen 'Scared Straight' so I understood the reference. I was riveted when I watched it on an anniversary showing as it's rare that they allow swearing on broadcast TV. But they do if it's a documentary, as too much of the impact from covering real life would be lost if they took out the swearing.
  I find out there is just about everything on E-bay, including the album for the 'National Park' state quarters. I do have some from this series already. It prompted me to look at the map from the original state quarter series. I noticed in the booklet how the wrong silhouette is used for some of the states, I counted three. Even the quarters themselves are available on this site, though at this point I haven't felt the need to pay more than face value for coins. I've lucked out as I've found most of the ones I want without having to order them. With the first three years of this series, I have all but two as I just picked up another one after doing laundry. I pay attention when using the dollar bill changer to see which ones I don't have yet. It helps to shop around for things like the albums, as I've told myself I shouldn't have to pay more than the face value of the coins. Don't recall what I paid for this map, as I got it at a Montgomery Ward liquidation sale. But there are multiple listings for the album on the site, and I did see some for under $10- lower than the face value of 56 quarters.
   I also looked up the American Indian Movement, after finding out this movement had occupied more than just Alcatraz after it was closed as a prison. This movement also occupied Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota for a few days in 1971. I must have been thinking of how South Dakota has Mt. Rushmore on both of their state quarters in one form or another- the original series and the National Park series.

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